Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Any Given Monday – Google, Microsoft and Amazon All Experience Outages

It started out like any other Monday morning. I woke up, got dressed, put my contacts in and started making my way to the kitchen for coffee. Along the way, I launched a browser and the mail client on my laptop (as I always do on “home office” days) and I checked to make sure my son was up. After making coffee, I had a few minutes before it was time to drive my 14-year-old to school, I scanned the headlines in my newsfeed.

The top two headlines read:
I only got to read the hover-over teaser paragraphs before:

   a) I realized it was no longer like any other Monday morning and
   b) my son informed me it was time to go.

I am a link to the rest (and best) of this post

Do you have additional insight into, or were you impacted by any of these outages? Comment below.

Scott Barber
Chief Technologist, PerfTestPlus, Inc.

Co-Author, Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications
Author, Web Load Testing for Dummies
Contributing Author, Beautiful Testing, and How To Reduce the Cost of Testing

I don't produce software systems.
I help those who do produce software systems do it better.
I am a tester.

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